
Finally, we are getting a break. This week, I got to go home for the first time since I've been at college. I was so excited to see all my friends and family. The best part was getting to see my dogs. I missed them so much. When I got home, I hung out with my mom for a while and caught up. Later that night, I went to see my girlfriend. The next day was my flight to Florida to see my dad's side of the family. Thankfully, my sisters were there too because I wanted to see them. We usually spend Thanksgiving in Florida with my dad's side of the family. The Thanksgiving dinner was delicious, just like it is every single year. My stepmom makes the best dinner, which I am very thankful for. Unfortunately, I could only stay in Florida for a couple of days because I wanted to spend some more time with my family and friends from home. On my last day, I spent some time at the pool and had a little bike ride before I had to leave for my flight back to Ohio. The day after I got back, My one good friend had an Ohio State v. Michigan watch party I went to. I saw all of my friends from high school, which was so lovely. Later that evening, I went out to dinner with my girlfriend and her family. We went to this Multicultural restaurant, and I got chicken paprikash, which brought me back to the days when I would go to my Hungarian friend's house, and his mom would make it for us. The next day, I got to drive all the way back to North Central, which was a long 6-hour drive. I'm glad I got to go home for once and I can't wait until winter break to see everyone again.


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