Free Time

 This past weekend I finally went to my girlfriend's college which is Miami University, located in Oxford Ohio. I left on Friday and got ready for the big 5-hour drive ahead of me. On the way, I stopped at the University of Purdue to see one of my friends from home and he showed me around the campus. He also showed me the frat he is a part of which was really cool to see the different types of college life. After about an hour of visiting, I got back on my way to Miami. I ended up arriving at around 11:30 at night and we just spent the night in because I was so tired. The next day, we wake up at 11 for this thing called Beat the Clock. It is an event at a bar that sells very cheap drinks but gets more expensive as the hours pass. After we spend about 2 hours there, we head to another bar where I play pool with all my friends that also go to this college. I should also mention that 2 of my other friends who go to Ohio University. I was so nice to see everyone and have a great time. After we leave the place with the pool tables, we head over to a frat house where we hang out for an hour or so. The only thing I did besides meet some people here was throw around a football with my friends. 

Next on the agenda was dinner. I was so happy we were finally getting some food because I didn't have any breakfast or lunch. We decided to go to Chipotle and I devoured it. After the great food, everyone was tired so we all parted ways. my girlfriend and I go back to her dorm and take a nap to get ready for the nightlife. The nightlife was just how I expected and it was also a lot of fun. I stayed out until 1 because I had to make the 5-hour drive back to school. On Sunday, we said our goodbyes after should showed my the south side of the campus. Overall, I had a wonderful time at Miami and cant wait to go back.


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