Winter Break

We are all very close to a much-needed winter break. With the workload increasing for almost all of my classes, I'm getting stressed out very easily and haven't been able to take it out at the gym. I probably went 3-4 times the past 2 weeks which isn't the worst but I would have liked to get my normal schedule in. Alright now let's talk about what I have going on for winter break. So first off, My mom is taking me to Italy for a few days as a Christmas present. I am so excited to go because I've never been there before. My mom's favorite thing to do is travel around the world and experience other cultures. We are planning on going to Florence and Venice. During our time there we will go on a wine tour. I am super excited about this because I will be able to drink legally. We are coming home on the 21st so we can see everyone for Christmas. After Christmas, I'm going to Florida to see my dad and stepmom for New Year. I know going to Florida is nice and all, but traveling so I get a chance to see everyone gets pretty old after a while. I'm planning on staying there for a week and then I get to come home and spend the rest of the break with my friends and family at home. Although I really need this break, I'm excited to begin my new classes and get a fresh start. The picture below is a picture from when my friends and I were walking by the riverwalk in downtown Naperville. We saw this view and had to take a picture. It turned out super cool and it looks like a Picasso. 



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