I'm so glad I'm getting back onto my old schedule with the gym. I haven't been able to work at all during soccer because that is just way too much stress on my body and I simply don't have enough time for it. For the past couple of weeks, I've been going consistently every day except Sunday which is my rest day. My split usually goes; back and bi, chest and tri, and then legs and shoulders. Today was leg and shoulders day. I went pretty hard today so I will probably be very sore tomorrow and the upcoming days. I could easily say that my favorite split would have to be back and bi. there is nothing better than getting a nice bicep pump. Hitting back is nice too but not as good as bi's. Next in order would have to be chest and tri. This is a close second to back and bi but its just not as good to me. Last is legs. This used to be my favorite but after some time I've just grown to not like it as much. 

Since I'm planning on playing soccer next year, I need to be in the gym and get stronger. I also need to work on my soccer skills in general. Here is a picture of my friends and I at the rec center. The only downside to lifting here is the limited equipment and the small space. They only have two benches but if you go outside they have a bunch of squat racks which you can also use to bench with. It is very important to come at the right time or else it is impossible to workout due to the number of people. I would say its the busiest at around 6-7 so a nice time to go is either 4-5 or 8-9 to skip the gym rush hour.


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