Big Decision

 It is time to decide whether or not I want to stay next year or go to a college in Ohio. This is a huge decision for me because I'm deciding whether or not I want to stop playing soccer. First off, some of the pros to staying here are staying with the friends I've made and continuing to play soccer. The only cons would be leaving the friends I've made and not playing soccer. It might seem like an easy decision for me, but it is not. I don't think I'm ready to give up soccer yet. I was on the brink of deciding to go back to Ohio and attend a college with some of my friends and my girlfriend when the coach asked to have another meeting with me. The whole team got to choose when they had their end-of-the-year meeting, and when I talked to him, I was still undecided. So his asking for another time to meet wasn't too surprising. The only thing that scared me was how quickly I had to make a decision. Once we had our meeting, it was clear what decision I would make. I am going to stay another year. I got some very useful information from that meeting, so I'm happy he asked me to meet again. I now know that there will only be one team next year. This will eliminate the reserve team I was on this year. I'm so glad that he decided to do this because it wasn't right to have a reserve team. He then explained to me why there was even a reserve team, to begin with, and as I had expected, it was for the money. I know it's the hard truth, but they need to make money somehow. The one team with have only 35 players compared to the 55 total players from this year. We ended the meeting on a high note, and he said it would be a shame if I left. I'm glad about the decision I've made, and I am excited for next year.


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