Free Time

 With school being very busy recently, I have found out that it is very important to take advantage of my free time and make the most of it. Some of the things I like to do in my free time are hang out with my friends, play video games, and play soccer. I definitely like to hang out with my friends the most because I think it is the most fun. This could be anything from just chilling in one of our dorm rooms or even going to downtown Naperville or Chicago. I would love to go to Chicago another time because there are a lot of things I would still like to see including the bean. Downtown Naperville is very cool and all but there are limited options for nighttime activities due to the fact that I'm not 21 yet.

I love to play my Xbox with my friends from home and the game I would say I play the most is Rocket League. This game is basically car soccer. I don't know why this is my favorite game because it is extremely rage and stress-inducing. There have been many rage quits during my time playing this game. The most satisfying thing about this game is absolutely destroying your opponents which probably makes them want to rage quit.

Lastly, I love to play soccer with my friends even if it is just passing around. I love to be outside and run around and soccer is a great way for me to do that. Most Sundays, some of my teammates and I will go to the field and mess around. We will pass and take some shots on the goal and try some cool or funny things. There is usually a lot of laughter going around when we are out there.


  1. Hey nate you seem like such a cool person you think we could hangout sometime and kick rocks if you know what I mean.


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