Week 3

    Being 4 weeks into college I have already had a lot of challenges. Some of those are problems with my car and problems with soccer. I just found out yesterday that my emergency brake is locked on my car so I technically can't drive it anywhere. The one day I need it of course there is a problem with it. The one upside is I'm not spending money on gas and I can use that money on other things. The only other real problem I would say I have is soccer. Soccer has been very frustrating recently because of the coaches. I won't get too into it for my sake. Other than those things, I would have to say I'm having a great time here and I have made many friends.

Okay, now onto some good things that have happened during my first few weeks here. I have many many friends of a bunch of different nationalities. These consist of Dutch, Italian, French, and Russian. I met the Dutch and Italians from the soccer team and they introduced me to their other friends. This past weekend we went out with them both days and had a great time. Some more positive things have been my grandparents coming to visit me from Ohio. Tonight we went out to dinner at Empire Bar and Grill and we had a great time. I'm looking forward to getting my car fixed and hopefully getting a better outcome from soccer in these upcoming weeks. 


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