Week 2



    This picture was taken when my friends and I went to Chicago. This was my first time going to Chicago so I was super excited and was ready to see what the Windy City had to offer. To start off the day we had an early practice so we were all ready to go by 12 and had the entire day to do sightseeing. We head off to the train station and take the 1 hour train ride to the city. Everyone was asleep for almost the entire time because of the practice we had in the morning.

Once we get to the city, we walked along the river for about 30 min until we got to downtown and got to see some cool stuff. The first thing we saw I think was some sort of playhouse square looking area. Playhouse square is a very popular place in cleveland (where I'm from). The next thing we saw was the Trump tower. It was very cool and i didnt even know it was there. I also took some pictures of it and some pictures of the area.

Moving on, We were on the search for some shoes. I wanted to leave the city with a pair of shoes because I didn't really bring that many pairs to college. We went to Nike, Adidas, and Footlocker. I was very surprised with how many designer stores there were. We walked past Chanel, Gucci, and some more that I don't remember the name to. Our last destination was footlocker and this was when i got my first pair of Jordans and I love them. After that we had an hour walk back to the train station then the hour long train ride back to Naperville. Overall I thought this trip was 10/10 and I can't wait to go back.


  1. Wowza.... I didn't know that you've never been to chi city before that. I didn't know you were him and bought all these shoes. Maybe you can be a cool guy and buy me a pair because it looks like you have a lot of drip.

    1. Thanks for noticing that i'm dripped out. Although I did buy a pair of shoes that day, Im not made of bread so I wouldn't be able to get you a pair. Sorry!


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