
Showing posts from September, 2023

Icarus Documentary

The Icarus documentary is a gripping and eye-opening exploration of the world of doping in professional sports. The film follows filmmaker Bryan Fogel as he sets out to investigate the use of performance-enhancing drugs in cycling, and ends up uncovering a massive scandal involving the Russian Olympic team. Through interviews with experts, athletes, and insiders, the documentary reveals the extent of the problem and the lengths to which some athletes will go to gain an edge. One of the most striking aspects of the documentary is the way it exposes the corruption and cover-up within the international sports community. We see firsthand how the Russian government and sports officials conspired to cheat their way to victory, and how they went to great lengths to hide their activities from the world. The film also sheds light on the role of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the scandal and raises important questions about the effectiveness of anti-doping measures and the need for refor

Week 3

     Being 4 weeks into college I have already had a lot of challenges. Some of those are problems with my car and problems with soccer. I just found out yesterday that my emergency brake is locked on my car so I technically can't drive it anywhere. The one day I need it of course there is a problem with it. The one upside is I'm not spending money on gas and I can use that money on other things. The only other real problem I would say I have is soccer. Soccer has been very frustrating recently because of the coaches. I won't get too into it for my sake. Other than those things, I would have to say I'm having a great time here and I have made many friends. Okay, now onto some good things that have happened during my first few weeks here. I have many many friends of a bunch of different nationalities. These consist of Dutch, Italian, French, and Russian. I met the Dutch and Italians from the soccer team and they introduced me to their other friends. This past weekend we

Week 2

         This picture was taken when my friends and I went to Chicago. This was my first time going to Chicago so I was super excited and was ready to see what the Windy City had to offer. To start off the day we had an early practice so we were all ready to go by 12 and had the entire day to do sightseeing. We head off to the train station and take the 1 hour train ride to the city. Everyone was asleep for almost the entire time because of the practice we had in the morning. Once we get to the city, we walked along the river for about 30 min until we got to downtown and got to see some cool stuff. The first thing we saw I think was some sort of playhouse square looking area. Playhouse square is a very popular place in cleveland (where I'm from). The next thing we saw was the Trump tower. It was very cool and i didnt even know it was there. I also took some pictures of it and some pictures of the area. Moving on, We were on the search for some shoes. I wanted to leave the city with